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History and Systems of Psychology ­ PSY502
Lesson 44
Now let us look at two of the recently developed areas of psychology, namely:
Consumer psychology
Health psychology
Consumer Psychology
Consumer Psychology emerged as a separate field of psychology only in the 20th century. It studies the
psychology of a person as a consumer, which all of us are. Every individual among us is a consumer in one
way or another. A consumer in marketing terms is the one who purchases a certain good and uses it. We all
purchase and use some goods which are available in the market therefore we all fall under this category.
Consumer psychology looks at the behavior of a person as a consumer and focuses on person's consumer
choice behavior. In other words, this branch of psychology deals with studying the purchase behavior and
habits of individuals as consumers. For example, an old aged consumer is more likely to purchase medicine,
while a young consumer may be spending more on food items etc. Therefore, the aim of consumer
psychology is to determine these patterns of behaviors of individuals, looking at them as consumers. It has
become an important field.
For further explanation, consumer psychology looks at how a consumer's behavior is effected by:
Cultural factors
Cultural factors are those factors which impact the consumer behavior of individuals and are
derived from the culture of the individual. For example, in a Muslim country like Pakistan, food
chains such as McDonald's have to use only halal items in their products. Therefore, the culture,
influenced by the religion, has had an impact on the consumer's behavior, who would not eat any
thing which is not halal. Cultural factors are important in many ways for the organizations to
survive and are studied under the umbrella of consumer psychology.
Sub-cultural factors
Sub-cultural factors are factors which are derived from smaller cultures within the large cultures.
For example, the purchase behavior of Sindhi's would be different from Punjabi's as these two
provinces have their own cultures. These cultures in turn also influence the purchase behavior of
individuals and need to be studied under consumer psychology.
Consumer psychology also looks at the influence of social groups and familial factors effecting consumer
behavior. Social groups refer to the societal factors in which the individual lives; the society often dictates
the behavior of the individuals and therefore plays a vital role in determining his consumer behavior as well.
Familial factors on the other hand refer to the factors which are derived from individual's family.
Consumer psychology then studies the individual determinants of consumer choice behavior, such as:
Personal factors
These are personal traits of the individual such as personality etc.
Involvement factors
Involvement factors refer to the involvement of the individual in the purchase decision of a good.
For example in the purchase of a television, the involvement would be greater than in that of a low
cost good.
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History and Systems of Psychology ­ PSY502
Memory factors
Memory factors refer to how much the individual retains of a particular advertisement. Therefore,
these also play a vital role in determining consumer behavior.
Evaluation factors
Evaluation factors refer to the individual's perception of the product. In other words, how the
individual evaluates the product and appraises it.
Post purchase behavior
It also looks at Post purchase behavior. Post purchase behavior refers to the
behavior after he or she has made the purchase.
All these areas are studied under consumer psychology. It has become an important branch of psychology
since all marketing techniques which aim at identifying the consumer's wants and needs are based upon
consumer behavior understanding.
Health Psychology
Health Psychology is another recently developed area of psychology. It is devoted to psychological
influences on what is health, how people stay healthy, why they become sick and how they respond in
illness. It looks at various systems of the body such as:
Cardiovascular system
It is the system of circulation of blood.
Nervous system
It is the system of the nerves and the brain responsible for all the functions of the body.
Endocrine system
It is the system of glands in the body.
Digestive system
It is the system of digestion of food.
Renal system
It is the excretory system of the body.
Reproductive system
It is the system of procreation in human beings.
Health psychology identifies health behavior and prevention of diseases. It looks at stress, its causes and
management. Stress results in fatigue and many such diseases. Therefore, health psychology focuses on
discovering ways and means to reduce and manage stress.
Health psychology also studies pain and its management. In other words, it helps the patients manage their
pain and become healthy more quickly.
Health psychology looks at chronic illness and its management. It deals with cases of terminally ill and their
management. Terminally ill people could be made to survive for a longer period of time using techniques of
health psychology.