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Introduction to Broadcasting ­ MCM 411
In broadcasting the production process comprises of three clear stages ­ pre production,
production and post production.
Although the success of a program depends on an integrated outcome of all the three areas,
most people believe that it is the first stage which matters the most in determining the
program's success.
Here below we shall examine various aspects of pre production.
Brain Storming
Every time when it strikes to radio or TV producers to initiate a new program, it follows a
series of brain storming sessions. A new program may be a brain child of one person; it is
never possible to execute it without making the whole production team to understand the
entire idea with great clarity.
Scripting a new program
When an idea to launch a new program is matured, the author of the idea is supposed to write
one-liner in most comprehensive manner and in a fashion that other people should also
visualize the program in the same way ­ never an easy task. And the author also needs to
mention details like the duration, purpose, and periodicity of the proposed program.
No program on radio or TV is possible for the purposes of broadcast unless it gets approval
from the higher authorities, usually a program committee comprising senior people which
scrutinize the new venture from all possible aspects before stamping its approval. The
committee may reject the idea, or may ask questions as to why this program is required and
who would be responsible for certain things ­ in line with the policy of the broadcasting house.
Writing Script
Once approval to launch a program is granted by the authorities concerned, the program
manager of the particular station which wants to run the show, appoints a producer to handle
the new program. The first task of the producer is to get script for the program written by a
professional script writer.
The producer may arrange some sittings with the script writer to bring him home the concept
of the whole exercise so that the script focuses on points for which all this pain is being taken.