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Human Resource Development (HRM-627)
Lesson 36
In this session we will revise the first two modules in a bullet point form so that we refresh what we have
learnt so far.
Module I (Making Things Happen: Enabling Skills required for HRD
·  People and circumstances: People make things happen, but for that they need a set of competencies
and skills
·  Skills inculcation:
·  Dimensions/Facets of Human Development including physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral,
political and spiritual dimensions
·  Target groups with multiplier effect
·  HDI
·  Human behavior, attitudes, emotional intelligence, happiness
·  Personality MBTI & Big 5 model
·  Perception and perceptual errors
·  Motivation and its types, Performance = ability X motivation X resources
·  Interpersonal communication, Verbal & Non Verbal Communication
·  Transactional analysis
·  NLP
·  Leadership (personal, situational, cutting edge leadership, gender and leadership and role of culture in
·  Group dynamics
·  Team behavior
·  PIES model (aerobic and anaerobic exercises)
Module II: HRD Sectors and Sector Interventions
HRD Sector Interventions and Target Groups
·  HRD and economic development (HDI, Gini Coefficient)
·  Types and verities of NGOs
·  Health
·  Primary education
·  Adult education
·  Technical and vocational education
·  Higher education
·  Science and technology
·  Environment
·  Empowerment of women
·  Entrepreneurial skills development, youth and unemployment
Rest of the course will deal with Module III which is about Strategic Process Interventions for HRD.
Module III: Strategic Process Interventions for HRD
·  Using NGOs
·  Decentralization and enhancing participation
·  Mobilizing resources
·  Enhancing coordination
·  Professionalizing Governance
·  role of Government: Priorities and Policies