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Human Resource Development (HRM-627)
Lesson 18
Throughout this course, we've continually studied the mastery of emotion, and you've developed a broad
spectrum of tools to powerfully and rapidly change any emotion you desire. You now realize that changing how
you feel is the motivation behind virtually all of your behavior. Thus, it's time that you develop a proactive plan
for dealing with the negative emotional patterns that you habitually experience. It's equally important to give
yourself the gift of expanding the amount and quality of time that you spend in positive emotional states. The
arsenal of skill you have for changing our emotional states includes:
Sub modalities
Transformational Vocabulary
Neuro ­ Associative Conditioning
Compelling future
The failure of most individuals to grasp the difference between and health and fitness is hat causes them to
experience the frustration of working out is religiously and still having the same five to ten pounds stubbornly
clinging of their midsection. Talk about learned helplessness! Worse than that is the plight of those who make
exercise the centerpiece of their lives and believe that their actions are making them healthier, yet each and
everyday they are pushing themselves one step further toward fatigue, disease and emotional upheaval.
What exactly do I mean by difference health and fitness? Fitness is "the physical ability to perform athletic
activity." Health, however, is defined as "the state where all the systems of the body ­ nervous, muscular,
skeletal, circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, hormonal, etc. ­ are working in an optimal way...." Most people think
that fitness implies health, but the truth is that they don't necessarily go hand in hand. It's ideal to have both
health and fitness, but by outing health first, you will always enjoy tremendous Benefits in your life. If you
achieve fitness at the expense of health, you may not live long enough to enjoy your spectacular physique.
The biggest difference between health and fitness comes down to understanding the distinction between aerobic
and anaerobic exercise, between endurance and power. Aerobic means, literally, "with oxygen," and refers to
moderate exercise sustained over a period of time. Your aerobic system is your system for endurance, and
encompasses the heart, lungs, blood vessels and aerobic muscles. If you activate your aerobic system with
proper exercise and diet, you burn fat as your primary fuel.
On the other hand, anaerobic means, "without oxygen," and refers to exercises that produce short bursts of
power. Anaerobic exercise burns glycogen as its primary fuel, while causing the body to store fat. Genetics play
a part in your body's ability to burn fat and, in fact, some people are born with a highly aerobic system already
in place. These are the people we envy who seemingly can eat anything and not gain an ounce.
Most types of exercise can be either aerobic or anaerobic. The level of intensity determines whether you are
using your aerobic or anaerobic system. Walking, jogging, running, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. can provide
either benefit. Lower heart rates make these activities aerobic and higher heart rates make them anaerobic....
Usually, tennis, racquetball, basketball and similar sports are anaerobic.
Most Americans today have a lifestyle that causes them to live in a constantly anaerobic state, inundated with
stress and demands, compounding it with the way they choose to exercise. As a result, they train their
metabolism to continuously be anaerobic, i.e., burn glycogen as a primary source of energy. When levels of
glycogen become excessively low, the an aerobically trained metabolism turns to blood sugar as its secondary
source of fuel. This immediately disrupts your level of health and vitality.
As your anaerobic demands rob your body of blood sugar you could be using for other tasks, you immediately
begin to feel negative effects. Since your nervous system demands the use of two ­ thirds of our blood sugar,
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Human Resource Development (HRM-627)
the deficit created by anaerobic exercise can cause neuromuscular problems like headaches or disorientation.
Here is a list of some telltale symptoms directly related to excessive anaerobic raining of your metabolism:
fatigue, recurrent, exercise injuries, low blood sugar patterns, depression and anxiety, fat metabolism problems,
premenstrual syndrome or circulation problems and stiff joints.