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International Relations-PSC 201
What is the importance of Conflict Resolution in IR?
International conflict resolution is an interdisciplinary field of study that allows students and practitioners to
examine and formulate effective approaches to deadly conflict.
Conflict Resolution is linked to development, human rights, security policy and social psychology. Conflict
resolution requires understanding of root causes, conflict dynamics, and seizing opportunities for conflict
Issues concerning modern conflicts
Modern conflicts often involve intrastate rather than the more traditional interstate struggles, presenting
new challenges to policymakers and peacemakers alike. The intended result of conflict resolution is a
reduction of despair, an enrichment of alternatives, and the empowerment of all dimensions conducive to
fair, sustainable, lasting and satisfactory agreements.
Some basic steps for resolving conflicts
1. The win/win approach
Identify attitude shifts to respect all parties' needs
2. Creative response
Transform problems into creative opportunities
3. Empathy
Develop communication tools to build rapport. Use listening to clarify understanding
4. Appropriate assertiveness
Apply strategies to attack the problem not the person
5. Co-operative power
Eliminate "power over" to build "power with" others
6. Managing emotions
Express fear, anger, hurt and frustration wisely to effect change
7. Willingness to Resolve
Name personal issues that cloud the picture
8. Mapping the conflict
Define the issues needed to chart common needs and concerns.
9. Development of options
Design creative solutions together
10. Introduction to negotiation
Plan and apply effective strategies to reach agreement
11. Introduction to mediation
Help conflicting parties to move towards solutions
12. Broadening perspectives
Evaluate the problem in its broader context
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International Relations-PSC 201
Relevant Vocabulary
Dimensions ­ various angles or factors
Empowerment ­ a process leading to increased ability
Conducive ­ something which proves to promote, support or encourage
Transformation - change
Dynamics ­ factors behind a phenomenon
Resolution ­ to resolve or solve a problem
Practitioners ­ those involved in the practice of
Intrastate ­ within a state
Suggested Readings
Students are advised to read the following chapters to develop a better understanding of the various
principals highlighted in this hand-out:
Chapter 17 in `"A Study of International Relations" by Dr. Sultan Khan
Internet Resources
In addition to reading from the textbook, please visit the following web-pages for this lecture, which
provide useful and interesting information:
Gateway on International Conflict Resolution