Category: Diseases


HIV is a virus that can be transmitted between humans. You get a HIV infection if you get infected by the virus. AIDS is a disease state that occurs when the immune system is so weakened by a HIV infection that you can get other diseases.

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Yellow fever

Yellow fever is a viral disease that is spread by mosquitoes and is found in parts of Africa and South America. Yellow fever is a life-threatening disease with high mortality.

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Ebola is a very rare disease. It is caused by a virus that is found naturally in countries in central and western Africa. The disease is serious. It can cause bleeding that can be life-threatening.

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Pityriasis Rosea – Medallion Disease

Pityriasis rosea medallion disease is a type of skin rash. Classically, it begins with a single red and the slightly scaly area known as a “herald patch.”

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Nose rashes appear as raised itchy rashes, which are light red or have the same color as the skin. They can vary in shape, from small individual rashes to large contiguous areas. Typical of hives is that they can quickly change both shape and location without leaving any marks after they disappear.

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The lichen is ruining planus

Lichen ruber planus is a skin disease. The name means roughly red, flat rash. The rash usually sits on the wrists, ankles or lower legs, but can also be spread over the body. Sometimes they can sit in scars or damaged skin. The rash can also be found in the mouth and genital area. Most often, the rash disappears by […]

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Dengue fever

Dengue fever is a viral disease that causes flu-like symptoms. The virus is spread through mosquitoes and is found in many countries in Africa, Asia, Central and South America. The disease can be serious and require intensive care in hospital.

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Bladderworm disease – infection with dwarf band worm

Dwarf bandworm is a small bandworm that mammals can have in the gut, especially dogs and foxes. The animals do not get sick but in their feces there are worm eggs that can infect humans and cause an infection. The infection is called bladder disease.

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Toxic shock syndrome, TSS

Toxic shock syndrome, TSS, is a complication that can occur in some bacterial infections. The bacteria secrete a venom that causes blood pressure to drop sharply and the body’s tissues do not get enough oxygen. TSS is very uncommon but can be serious and therefore you need to get treatment quickly.

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Bird flu

Bird flu is a disease that is mainly spread between birds. The disease is caused by several variants of avian influenza virus. Some types of the virus can infect people.

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Colds are an infection of the nose, throat or throat. It is almost always caused by a virus. Colds usually go by themselves, but there is much you can do to relieve the symptoms.

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Contact dermatitis

There are two types of contact eczema, allergic and non-allergic. You may get allergic contact eczema if your skin has been in contact with something you are allergic to. You usually get non-allergic contact eczema on your hands. It is also called hand eczema. It occurs when the skin’s natural protection becomes weaker, for example if you wash frequently.

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Colds in children

Colds are an infection of the nose, throat or throat. It is almost always caused by a virus. Colds usually go by themselves, but there are things you can do to relieve the symptoms.

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influenza is an infection that you get from viruses. When you get the flu it is common that you suddenly get a high fever, headache, muscle pain, sore throat and cough.

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Eczema is an inflammation of the skin that causes the skin to become dry, red and often itchy. You may get eczema if the skin’s outer protective layer has weakened or damaged. For example, it may be due to dry skin, abrasion or that you have come into contact with substances that irritate the skin or that you are allergic to. Eczema is not contagious.

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Atopic dermatitis – flexural eczema

Atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema, is a skin disease that is common in young children. It turns out to be dry, red and itchy rash. Before the age of one, the rash usually starts on the cheeks and then come elsewhere. From the age of two, they usually settle into arm folds or kneecaps. Therefore, eczema is also called flexural eczema.

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Nesting and sniffing

Nesting and sniffing are common. Often this is due to a cold, but it can also be due to allergies, sensitive mucous membranes, pregnancy or that you have used nasal spray for a long time. Often it goes away by itself but sometimes you need treatment.

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Cuticle Infection

Cuticle infection is caused by a small wound at the nail where bacteria or fungi can penetrate and grow. Cuticle infection usually goes away by itself.

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Ingrown toenails

In case of nail break, the edge of the nail cuts into the skin. It is most common to get nail break in the big toe. Nail cracks are often caused by tight shoes or incorrectly cut nails. You can relieve and prevent nail breakage yourself.

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Swimmer’s Itch

In summer, the water at the beaches can contain bird parasites that are so small that they are not visible. When bathed, they can drill into the skin a few millimeters before dying, resulting in a harmless reaction with itchy rash.

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Itching in children

Children who are tired, worried or stressed about something can also get itchy, for example when they go to sleep at night. It can itch all over the body but sometimes it itches in specific places, such as the tail or ears.

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