Category: Types of Cancer

Melanoma Eye

Eye melanoma is cancer of the eye. Most often the disease is treated with radiation.

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Ovarian Cancer

There are different types of ovarian cancer. This is because the ovaries are made up of many different types of cells and tissues. Most people who get ovarian cancer are 60 to 70 years old. The risk of contracting the disease is greater if a genetic relative has had it.

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Vulvar Cancer

Tumor cancer means that a cancerous tumor has formed somewhere in the vulva, which are the outer parts of the female genital tract.

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Bladder cancer

Urinary bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers. Treatment can vary widely between people, depending on how the disease develops. Sometimes a larger operation is needed that affects you more. Then, among other things, the bladder is removed. However, most people can continue to live about as usual.

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Small Intestine Cancer

There are several different types of cancer tumors that you can get in the small intestine. Many people who get a cancer tumor in the small intestine get rid of it, or can receive treatment that makes it possible to live a good life despite the disease. Small bowel cancer is unusual. Most people who get the disease are around 60 years of age.

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Colon cancer and rectal cancer

Cancer of the colon or rectum is one of the most common cancers in many countries. Most people who get the disease are over 60, but some are younger. The chance of getting rid of the cancer is greater the sooner it is discovered.

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Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is an uncommon cancer disease. Most people get rid of the disease after treatment, even though the disease has spread.

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Thyroid cancer

The thyroid gland sits on the front of the throat and produces hormones that control metabolism, among other things. The most common sign of thyroid cancer is a lump on the front of the neck. The chance to recover after treatment is very good for most people.

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Disc epithelial cancer – skin cancer

Disc epithelial cancer is a form of skin cancer that is usually due to the fact that you have been in the sun a lot, without having to burn yourself. Disc epithelial cancer is becoming more common, but most people who get the disease get rid of it after treatment.

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Sarcoma is the collective name for about 50 different cancers. Common to the diseases is that they occur somewhere in the support tissues of the body. Examples of supporting tissues are fat, connective tissue, muscles, vessels and skeletons. Sarcoma is a fairly rare disease.

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Prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland that, among other things, forms transport fluid for the sperm at the time of ejaculation.

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Penis Cancer

Penile cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer that men can get in the genitals or the urinary tract. Most people who get penis cancer are over 60 years old. Penile cancer does not infect and is not hereditary.

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Kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is a serious illness, but knowledge about the disease has increased and treatments have improved in recent years.

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Neuroendocrine Tumors, NET

Neuroendocrine tumors are cancerous tumors that may be present in the gastrointestinal tract or in the lungs. Many people who get a neuroendocrine tumor get rid of it, or can live a good life long despite the disease. Most people who get neuroendocrine tumors are about 60 years old. The disease is unusual.

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Myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow. The disease can differ greatly between different people and can also vary with the time of a person. Myeloma is not possible to get rid of, but most get better with treatment and can live a good life. Every year about 700 people get myeloma. Most are over 60 years old.

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Malignant melanoma – skin cancer

Malignant melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and the most prevalent cancer disease. It is usually because you have burned several times in the sun. Almost everyone who gets treatment early gets rid of the disease.

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Stomach cancer

Gastric cancer means that a cancerous tumor has started to grow in the lining of the stomach. There are good chances of getting rid of the disease if it is detected early. If the cancer has spread and cannot be eliminated, there are treatments that will make you feel better. Stomach cancer is also called stomach cancer.

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Lymphoma – lymph node cancer

Lymphoma or lymph node cancer is a collective name for cancer diseases that occur in cells in the body’s lymphatic system. The prognosis varies but many can get rid of the disease.

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Pleural cancer

Lung sack cancer is an uncommon disease that is usually due to the fact that you have been breathing in asbestos. It can take over 30 years for lung sac cancer to develop. It is difficult to get rid of the disease. But there are treatments that make you feel better even though the cancer remains.

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Lung cancer

You can get rid of the disease if it is detected early. Lung cancer is unusual before the age of 40. Most people who get the disease are around 70 years.

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Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer, which is the lower part of the uterus, usually develops slowly over many years. If you go on regular cell test checks, cell changesthat can lead to cancer can be detected and removed in good time.

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