Category: Cancer

When a Child Gets Cancer

It can be done in different ways to discover that a child has cancer . Some children have had diffuse symptoms for a long time and may have been on many different examinations before, as a parent or physician, one begins to suspect that it may be cancer. Other children have more sudden symptoms. Maybe the child comes to an emergency room where doctors tell them that they need to immediately investigate the cause of the symptoms, and that it may be cancer.

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Neuroblastoma in Children

Neuroblastoma is a cancer disease that originates in the sympathetic nervous system that extends along the vertebral vertebrae and branches to, for example, the adrenal glands. Since this nervous system is widely distributed in many parts of the body, neuroblastoma can be found in several different places, but it is most common to get it in one of the adrenal glands

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Lymph Node Cancer in Children

Lymph node cancer is also called lymphoma. There are mainly two types of lymphoma in children and adolescents: Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It is more common that young children get Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and older children and adolescents get Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

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Liver Cancer in Children

It is unusual for children to get liver cancer and usually children do not get the same kind of liver cancer as adults. The most common form of liver cancer in children is called hepatoblastoma and especially affects children younger than three years.

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Leukemia in Children

Leukemia means that the bone marrow begins to form a large number of diseased white blood cells, also called leukemia cells. The diseased cells push away the healthy blood formation in the bone marrow. Eventually, the leukemia cells also spread to other organs in the body, such as the liver, spleen, or to the central nervous system.

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Brain Tumor in Children

Brain tumor is one of the most common cancers in children. About 95 of the almost 350 children and adolescents who get cancer every year have a brain tumor. But there are many different types of brain tumors that are also treated differently. The brain is part of the central nervous system . All central nervous system tumors are taken care of by pediatric neurologists and pediatric oncologists, including non-cancerous tumors.

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What is Cancer Rehabilitation?

Most people with cancer need rehabilitation at least sometime. Cancer rehabilitation is all that can make life as good as possible during and after the treatment of the disease.Rehabilitation can mean different things

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Food in Cancer

Sometimes the appetite or ability to eat can change in cancer. Here you can read more. You are given advice on what you can do for yourself and what help you can get.

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Help With Cancer Thoughts And Feelings

For many, cancer means an above-mentioned situation with many feelings and thoughts. Most people find ways to deal with them, either by themselves or with support from the surroundings. Sometimes it is not possible. Then there is support and help to get.How can cancer affect my thoughts and feelings?

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Physical Activity and Physical Therapy in Cancer

It is common for you to move less and want to rest more if you have cancer and go through different treatments. You may need to rest sometimes, but you are often better off trying to move on yourself and also enjoy exercising. Avoid too much sedentary sitting. The body works better, you get stronger, get better balance and more energy.

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Fertility After Cancer Treatment

Sometimes a cancer treatment can affect fertility. Then it becomes more difficult or impossible to use your eggs or sperm in a pregnancy. There are methods that can sometimes be used to preserve fertility.

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Cancer and Sexuality

Cancer can affect your sexuality in different ways. Thoughts and feelings or side effects of treatment can change how you feel comfortable with yourself or with others. You may also find it more difficult to have sex in the same way as before. Often it is possible to strengthen the sexuality, the desire and the ability to have sex.

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Treatment of Cancer in Children

Children who get cancer are usually treated with the same methods as adults, although the doses are different. There are three common treatment methods that are often combined: cytostatic therapy, radiation therapy and surgery. The duration of treatment for a cancer disease can vary from a few months up to several years.

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Getting a Cancer Message

Every day, thousands people in the world receive a cancer message. No matter how it goes, the message and the upcoming treatment means that life is changing, both for you who are ill and for those around you. This text is about how you can handle the reactions and questions that may arise after a sick message.

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